1. What are the services of Rumeli Real Estate Company in Turkey?
 Rumeli Real Estate Company provides comprehensive services in the field of real estate in Turkey, including real estate buying and selling, real estate management, real estate investment consulting, and marketing services.


2. Does the company provide various real estate investment services?
 - Yes, Rumeli Real Estate Company provides a variety of real estate investment services, including investment in commercial and residential properties, lands, and new real estate projects.

3. Can I get a free consultation before purchasing?
 - Yes, Rumeli Real Estate Company offers free consultations to customers before purchasing, where they can benefit from specialized advice and information about purchasing and investing in real estate.


4. Does the company provide investment opportunities in commercial or residential real estate?
 - Yes, Rumeli Real Estate Company offers investment opportunities in both commercial and residential properties, where customers can choose the property that best suits their needs and investment goals

5. What is the process of purchasing real estate in Turkey and what are the legal procedures?
 The process of purchasing real estate in Turkey includes several steps, including signing the purchase and sale contract, verifying legal documents, and paying the necessary fees, as Rumeli Real Estate's team of experts provides support and assistance at every step of the process.


6. Do you provide assistance services in obtaining Turkish citizenship through real estate investment?
 - Yes, Rumeli Real Estate Company provides assistance services in obtaining Turkish citizenship through real estate investment, where clients can benefit from investment plans that allow them to obtain Turkish citizenship.